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More Mask Madness?


A very Happy New Year to all our readers and supporters from all of us (well, both of us...) here at Informed Consent Matters.

We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable break (no vaccine arguments!), and are feeling replenished and ready to re-engage with the fight for our future...

The New Year is not yet one week old, but already, the malevolent social engineers conspiring to systematically erase our freedoms are hard at work, having reintroduced draconian masking guidance, aiming to re-normalise extensive masking in all public spaces.

Whilst for now the instructions are described only as 'guidance', and are not 'mandatory', they already go so far as to suggest that "anyone who feels unwell" should wear a mask whenever they leave the house. Furthermore, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has stated that anyone with a mild case of the sniffles should "delay returning to work or school".

The UK Transport Secretary Mark Harper has said he fully supports the guidance, It was "sensible" to ask ill adults to wear masks if they needed to go out, he said, but best to stay home if possible.

Nearly three years later, and we seem to be gearing up for a repeat of 2020 - masking on public transport, work-from-home guidance, and yet more indefensible interruptions to the school routines of the nation's children.

We cannot afford a repeat of this catastrophic situation, knowing now as we do just how devastating "lockdowns" are to physical and mental health, and how much children (and their longer term prospects) suffer when they don't go to school.

We also know from comprehensive peer-reviewed studies involving millions of people across multiple countries that masks don't work, and actually tend to make people's health worse.

Therefore, we as a country - already steeped in an acute cost of living crisis - cannot afford a repeat of irrational 'Covid' hysteria and must take action to counter this.

There is far more scepticism on this subject than there was three years ago (a Daily Mail poll involving tens of thousands of people showed the majority don't think masking should make a return), so we are now pushing at an open door.

At Informed Consent Matters, we have designed a series of leaflets, carefully designed and written to emulate "official sources", but giving people the real facts, in measured and non-sensationalist language that will get them thinking.

To help combat the media's attempts to whip up more fear and hysteria, please consider ordering some of our leaflets on masks, the importance of informed consent, or the limitations of PCR testing, and distributing them around your local neighbourhood. We have found they are great conversation starters!

Thank you for your crucial help in this fight, and in helping to ensure people are furnished with facts and not fear, enabling them to make the right, fully informed decisions for their health and their family's future.

All the very best from

The Informed Consent Matters Team


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